Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing #9

I'm starting to feel a little addicted to the computer. I spent about four hours combing through blogs and news feeds. I almost felt guilty that I was spending so much time in front of the computer just perusing through blogs. I am amazed at all the topics and so called experts. I think you need to be real careful because I could see how young minds could accidently become a "follower" but at the same time the blogs can create a good discussion . I thought the google blog, topix, syndic 8 and technorati were the easiest to use. The edublog winners were interesting but I couldn't figure out if the winner was just decided by a popular vote or other criteria were included also. Some of the blogs I tried to attach to my google reader and they got lost somewhere out in cyberspace. A couple were very easy to attach because they asked you a series of questions. I'm not very comfortable about commenting on blogs yet however, I do feel like I am beginning to be more educated about all the possibilities of blogs and computers.


Cheryl Laucher said...

I agree with you about being a little of out the comfort zone when writing blogs or commenting on others' blogs. More and more people are using them to collaborate. I agree with you that students need to be taught how to discern good info from bad. Great job...keep playing!!

nina said...

Definitely agree with being out of the comfort zone blogging. Also scarey when trying to do things with the net and things get "lost." Always scared I am somehow going to crash my computer. However, without risk, there is no adventure:)

Alex Rover said...

Thanks for your comments. I really like the idea of the comments because it makes you feel part of a group and lets you know that you are not the only person with these feelings.